
How Many More Appointments Could You Handle This Week?

...Turn your past customers and new leads into booked appointments with the click of a button!

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How We Help Businesses

Phase 1

Skyrocket your online presence thru automations. Rank higher in the search engines, so that more customers will find you! Create automations to get more reviews, so that more customers will trust you!

Phase 2

Automate and streamline all lead flow. Leads come in from several places- phone, website, chat, social media, ads, etc. We use AI powered automations to bring all of these into one convenient place and qualify all leads. So that you can fill your calendar with people that you actually want to talk to!

Phase 3

Automate all follow up and reactivation with 12 month email and text message campaigns. 50% of your customers will buy after the third month of follow up!

Phase 4

Advanced SEO, ADS, Social Media strategies custom to your type of business!

What Type of Business Do You Have?

Click Below to See Examples of What We Do

Contractors/Home Services



Appointment Setting Business

Recruiting/ Team Building

Dealership/ Store with Inventory

Get Leads From Social Media, Database, Website, Phone Calls, etc.

Use Our Advanced Robotics Technology to Fill Your Calendar With Sales Calls

Serve More Clients and Grow Your Business

Did You Start Your Business to Serve Your Customers or to Spend All of Your Time Marketing and Scheduling?

Most people struggle to have consistent growth and sales because they don't have a dependable automated system that creates leads and turns them into appointments

Inconsistent Lead Generating

Are you tired of spending money on ads with little to no results? Or getting bad leads in general??

Ineffective Nurturing

Are you discouraged from sending emails, texts and phone calls but not hearing back from the leads that you spent lots of money to get?

Open Spaces in Your Calendar

Do you have plenty of time to serve your customers, but no new customers to serve?

We start our businesses because we want to be in control of our money and we want more free time. Most business owners are great at making their customers happy but they don't know how to create a consistent stream of dependable revenue. Instead, the business goes through a seemingly endless cycle of "feast or famine". That's frustrating and stressful. Get a Demo and discover how to finally get the stable success you deserve. 

How Much More Revenue Could You Generate With a Full Calendar?

Most people struggle to fill their calendar with appointments when they don't have a dependable hands off system to handle the lead generation and follow up process

  • Stop Worrying Where the Next Customer Will Come From

  • Focus On Your Clients Needs Instead of Marketing

  • Scale Your Business to the Next Level

  • Eliminate Feast or Famine from Inconsistent Revenue

  • Generate Income That is Predictable and Consistent

  • Enjoy Your Business and the Life You Dreamed Of

Here's What to do Next

Step 1: Get A Demo

Join in on a fun and interactive demo where you can get your questions answered and see how everything works. You can even get our recommendations for which campaigns and funnels are best for your business.

Step 2: Choose A Plan

CustomerCreatorAI has lots of features. You might not need them all. (And why pay for something you don't need?) Discover the plan that works best for you and feel confident that you made the right choice.

Step 3: Watch Sales Grow

CustomerCreatorAI helps you get more leads. It helps you stay in touch with them with pre-built, automated follow up. The primary goal is to get you appointments so you can close more deals!

Investing In Marketing and Software Can Be Intimidating Because Everyone Promises The Moon. So How Do You Know You're Making The Right Choice?

We know that you want your business to be well known, respected, and successful.

In order to do that, you need a simple way to get new leads and an easy way to automatically follow up with them, build your credibility, and cause them to want to do business with you.

And when they're ready, you need them to reach out and ask to schedule an appointment with you.

Marketing platforms are confusing and hard to use. Plus it's hard to know what to actually say in your emails, text message follow ups and on your web pages. And that can make you feel overwhelmed and frustrated.

The problem is that while most businesses are amazing at making their customers happy, nobody really shows you how to generate new customers in a way that's dependable and cost effective.

Ads are expensive (and its hard to know if they're working). Referrals are great but it can feel awkward to ask for them (and they're not always consistent.)

Plus, many business owners simply DO NOT have enough hours in the day to focus on generating new sales...you're already working hard enough just by running the day-to-day operations.

All this can make you feel overwhelmed and frustrated. Let's face it, slow months" can be downright scary and stressful.

We understand that as a business owner, you are truly part of the very backbone of our society.

Think about it, business owners are the ones who come up with the new products and new ways to solve problems.

Business owners are the ones who provide the jobs.

Business owners are the ones who pay the most taxes.

And that's why we believe you deserve to have the success and recognition you want.

You are the one who takes the most risk and works the longest hours. So you are the one who deserves the highest reward.

But marketing your business can be overwhelming, complicated and expensive.

And a lot of times the marketing plans that sound great on paper can end up leaving you with nothing more than a hole in your pocket.

So, here's what to do next-

First, schedule a demo. This let's you see how the platform works and make sure that it really is what you're looking for.

Next, choose a plan. You have a lot of features available to you. How do you know if you need them all? You might not. That's why it makes sense to join a demo session so you can see what you'll use ...and avoid paying for features you don't need.

Finally, watch your business grow! Customer Creator AI makes it simple to get leads, book appointments and turn them into customers. And regardless of which plan you choose, we're here to support you every step of the way.

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Customer Creator AI

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